American Rescue Plan Compliance and Reporting

Switch to QC and Rest Assured

Solution Detail

The American Rescue Plan Mgmt System with QC is a rapid deployment solution that starts with a 1-week implementation. New capabilities are then added every 2 weeks. State and local governments save time and money by utilizing QC’s proven best practices. Rest assured State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) financial and program performance compliance and reporting with QC.

UsersStates and Local Govts
Deployment Timeframe12 Weeks
ComplianceU.S. Treasury, 2 CFR 200



QC can assess your current state solution for ARP Management and Oversight and provide a written set of recommendations for improvement. 


Initial Operating Capability

QC will establish the initial operating capability in one week. New capabilities are then added every two weeks. Users are trained to start using the capabilities and then learn new ones throughout the agile and iterative rapid deployment.



Curator services provide ongoing work following implementation. The system of people, processes, and technology work together every data to quantify, orchestrate, and innovate American Rescue Plan, State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) management and oversight. 


Thousands of state, county, and city governments received American Rescue Plan, State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). The U.S. Treasury requires compliance and reporting quarterly and annually. The requirements are specific and the level of effort to comply with them can be substantial.

Client’s Feedback

Financial management is one aspect of reporting, including for compliance with the U.S. Treasury and 2 CFR 200 of the Federal Code of Regulations. Program performance management requirements add significant level of effort work to create measures, collect performance data, analyze results, and communicate stories for reporting. 


QC utilizes a best practices framework to ensure success. By establishing the initial operating capability using Treasury-compliant templates and the QC performance measures framework, the program then builds in additional capabilities and trains end users to work together to meet all laws, regulations, and policies. Every government is unique, by using QC features for compliance, time / effort can be re-directed toward analysis and evidence-based policymaking.